SAVE THE DATE: Transhuman Superpowers and Longevity Conference in Oakland, CA - July 12

06/29/2015 - 00:00

If you get the chance to be in Oakland this summer, this event will surely stimulate your mind.  

Brighter Brains Institute and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology are sponsoring this conference at Humanist Hall on July 12.

Come and join the discussion!  You can buy tickets here.

Speakers at the event include:
•Elizabeth Parrish, from BioViva in Seattle
•Gabriel Licina, biohacker from Science for the Masses in Southern California
•Brian Hanley, from Butterfly Sciences in Davis
•Mallory E. McLaren, J.D., discussing “Mainstreaming Longevity/Resilience Biotechnology”
•R U Sirius, co-editor of Transcendence: The Disinformation Guide of Transhumanism and the Singularity
•Zoltan Istvan, Transhumanist Party candidate for President, author of The Transhumanist Wager
•Jay Cornell, co-editor (with RU Sirius) of Transcendence: Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism and the Singularity
•Nicole Sallak Anderson, author of eHuman Dawn, Advisory Board Member of IEET
•    Micah Redding, “How superheroes help us learn to use our technological powers for good” 
•Hank Pellissier, managing director of IEET and