VIDEO: Mass shootings up dramatically under Obama - Data shows increased gun laws are not the answer

12/04/2015 - 04:21

Skip to 4:08 to see the breakdown of numbers from our last five President.

This is not meant to be political, but hopefully a thought provoking one given our most recent state of mourning for those lives lost the other day. Psyops, extremist religions, increased gun control, too much medicine or the lack thereof...? The video presents an interesting straightforward viewpoint on these numbers.

Update: website is down. Hacked. Will hopefully be resolved tomorrow. Sorry guys. That article has luckily already been...

Posted by Truthstream Media on Thursday, December 3, 2015

When compiling the data for mass shootings (where four or more people have died as per FBI definition of mass murder) under the last five presidents, clearly there's a startling outlier under the Obama administration. Largest push for gun control in American history just so happens to coincide at a time when there are more mass shootings than ever before in American history. What are the odds?

We're talking a 700+% increase in mass shootings where four or more people are killed just since George Jr. was president...


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