New pCell wireless technology could improve mobile network speeds and efficiency 

02/19/2014 - 00:00

  By <a href="">NICK WINGFIELD</a> - <br><br><a href="">In a spacious loft across the street from the Bay Bridge, Steve Perlman did something last week that would ordinarily bring a cellular network to its knees.<br><br>Around him was a collection of eight iPhones, a pair of television sets with superhigh-resolution 4K displays and an arsenal of other devices. Mr. Perlman played high-definition movies from Netflix on a half-dozen or so devices at once, wirelessly transmitting all the video to them. Instead of stumbling under the strain of so much data jamming the airwaves at once, the video played on all the screens with nary a stutter.<br><br>READ MORE ON THE NEW YORK TIMES</a>