New knowledge of collective cell migration to enhance regenerative medicine and wound healing

03/16/2015 - 00:00

By Jill Goetz -

Researchers at the University of Arizona have discovered what causes and regulates collective cell migration, one of the most universal but least understood biological processes in all living organisms.

The findings, published in the March 13, 2015, edition of Nature Communications, shed light on the mechanisms of cell migration, particularly in the wound-healing process. The results represent a major advancement for regenerative medicine, in which biomedical engineers and other researchers manipulate cells’ form and function to create new tissues, and even organs, to repair, restore or replace those damaged by injury or disease.


Ref: Notch1–​Dll4 signalling and mechanical force regulate leader cell formation during collective cell migration. Nature Communications, March 2015 | DOI:10.1038/ncomms7556